Anaheim HS


Anaheim High School Library Mission Statement


The mission of every AUHSD Library is to:

  • Provide an inviting space where students can study individually or collaborate together about reading and learning projects
  • Inspire a campus culture of learning, literacy, and self-directed inquiry
  • Maintain and build an easily accessible collection of resources that equitably supports student needs and self-directed learning


Library Behavior Guidelines:


Each AUHSD Library is a place to study, read, research, learn, create, and collaborate on school-related assignments. Students are welcome to use the library for these stated purposes before and after school, as well as during lunch (when scheduling permits).


AUHSD Libraries are considered an extension of the classroom. Therefore, students are expected to adhere to all campus and district rules. To ensure the welfare and comfort of everyone, and to support a variety of learning activities, students are expected to be respectful of others by talking at a non-distracting level. To safeguard equipment, food, gum, and drinks (including water) need to be consumed before entering the Library.


When classes are in session, passes that have been signed by a teacher are required. Students may also be required to sign into the library before entering and/or using specific equipment.


Library Computer Use:

The same AUHSD Computer-Use Regulations apply to the library. “The use of Anaheim Union High School District’s technology is a privilege which may be revoked at any time.... Any attempt to gain access to inappropriate or controversial materials shall be grounds for revocation of access to district technology and may result in other disciplinary action.” Refer to the Acceptable Use Policy for more information.



Additional Library Policies

AUHSD Library resources are available for everyone. The following rules are in place to encourage students to use their school libraries as positive learning hubs and to return reading material in good condition, in a timely manner. Library fines and fees exist only to ensure that library materials will remain available for all readers throughout the year.

Anaheim High School Library
811 W. Lincoln Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92805

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