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Department Overview


Grade Level  9th  –  12th

Credit Varies

Prerequisite: Career Guidance Specialist’s recommendation.

These are career-technical courses offered by ROP. The career guidance counselor at each high school provides specific information as to course titles, credits, and course availability. The ROP courses receive appropriate transfer credit based on information provided by the campus ROP representative, who is the career guidance counselor.

All courses offered through the ROP program have been assigned a course code number, a major course title or abbreviation, and a three- character room number designation which will identify the location of the student's placement. This system has been coordinated with the Anaheim Union High School District's Information Systems Department, and is used by all senior high schools when students are scheduled in selected ROP areas of instruction.

Information regarding additions and/or deletions of courses will be updated throughout the school year, and sent to the senior high schools, for their convenience, during the registration process.


J. Cates

J. Glodt

C. Hanley

R. Kasai

R. Ponce


Career Fair 

Our Career Fair will be on February 27, 2014. All students will be able to sample careers or professions that may be of interest to them. We have invited representatives from community businesses, colleges and ROP to help increase student awareness of Career Technical Education. The exhibits will be open to all students during their lunch period. 



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