Anaheim HS
Department Overview 
The study of languages is receiving increased emphasis due to today's world of international communication, travel, and the need to better understand our neighbors throughout the world. 
The World Foreign Language Department offers courses designed to meet both college entrance requirements and the interests and needs of all students. In compliance with the State of California we offer the recognition program called the Seal of Biliteracy to acknowledge our students’ high communication skills in English and other world languages. Students will continue to improve their Spanish/French communication skills and build intellectual achievement by connecting the language to its many cultures and developing true multicultural understanding in preparation for competition and cooperation in our multicultural world community. As language competency cannot be separated from the culture and customs of the people who use it, all language courses will cover the reference of the history, civilization and customs of native speakers.


C. Hullinger

M. Lee

M. Lopez

C. Noriega

C. Orozco

B. Preciado

Z. Rundzia

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